September 14, 2020


Minutes for September 14, 2020

Via Teams

Welcome and Introductions

Dr. Covington shared the sign-in document and asked for any corrections to be sent to her.


Approval of Minutes: No April 2020 meeting due to COVID



Dr. Covington shared the following announcements:

  • Teacher Education Forum – Virtual Conference

September 24, 2020, 9:00-4:30, Free, but you must register

Registration closes September 17, 2020



Standing Update on Assessment, Data Management, Digital Learning – Dr. Fales


University Supervisor Training Course OADD developed a new University Supervisors training course that contains all information pertaining to CPAST, Taskstream, Sonia, GoReact, WebEx, and edTPA. This training was made available to program areas and Fall 2020 supervisors in August. In preparation for Spring 2020 Internship and supervision, program faculty and supervisors should go ahead and begin reviewing the materials and resources in the course. We will continue to update the course as any policy or procedural changes arise. Email Holly Fales to add faculty working with or supervising interns to the course.


CAEP Update CAEP self-study report is due May 26, 2021. Fall 2020 data will be the final data cycle included in the SSR. Spring ang fall 2021 data will be presented prior to the onsite visit. Even though we have to deal with COVID, we must keep collecting important data points such as CPAST and embedded course key assessments to the maximum extent possible.


Dispositions Update: The Eval and Planning Committee/dispositions workgroup met throughout Spring and Summer to continue working on a new disposition document, training, and procedures. We hoped to pilot this Fall, but this has been delayed due to all of the ongoing changes. We will share materials with CEP at our next meeting and look at next steps for this important work.


Digital Learning: Please use the CoeHelp ticketing system to request Atlas or Teaching Channel access. We are responding to these as quickly as possible and working to create additional materials for faculty. If you would like to use Mursion, please know that sessions are booking up quickly. Please email Cortne Hayes in OADD if you are new to Mursion and would like to start using it in your course.


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure – Dr. Smith

We still have about 86 of 350 Intern Is without placements. School systems began 2 weeks after ECU began and they are figuring out their A/B weeks, remote instruction, temperature checks, cleaning, bussing and feeding schedules, etc. We are working daily to navigate videotaping issues, access to LMSs and video platforms. We are working across 45 districts for Intern Is and IIs.


Old Business

Dr. Covington shared the purpose of CEP for new members. Members represent their respective departments and are charged with sharing the information from CEP at departmental meetings or via email. Each department receives 1 member for every 12 full-time educator preparation faculty in the department, i.e. 1-12 faculty = 1 representative, 13-24 faculty = 2 representatives, etc. Terms are for 2 years. There are no term limits. Full-time fixed-term, tenured and tenure-track faculty are all eligible and are elected departmentally.


New Business

Dr. Charity Cayton, MSITE, volunteered to serve as Vice Chair and was elected by acclimation.


Dr. Covington reminded members that CEP needs one UG and one G student representative plus one UG and one G student alternate representative to serve on CEP. UG candidates must be admitted to UD and Graduate candidates must be enrolled in one of our programs that leads to licensure.


Members were asked to hold the meeting dates in Dec and Jan noting that they fall outside the typical semester start and end dates in case we have curriculum or other pressing business. If we don’t have pressing business the chair will cancel them.


The proposed edTPA policy adjustment for fall 2020 Intern IIs that was drafted in the edTPALs committee was shared with the full CEP. It was referred to the Policy Committee for review. The Policy Committee was asked to have an approved recommendation for CEP reps to share with their departments 2days before a special called meeting of the full CEP and a vote on September 23, 2020 at 3:15 pm.



Standing Committees

Committee Lists were distributed. The first person whose name appears on the list was asked to call the first meeting. In the first meeting a chair should be elected, and the name forwarded to Dr. Covington.

  1. Curriculum
  2. Evaluation & Planning
  3. Admissions & Retention
  4. Policy


Reminder of future meetings via TEAMS

Meeting Dates for 2020–2021

October 12                                                                   February 8

November 9                                                                  March 8                                    December 14 (tentative)                                                April 12

January 11 (tentative)


There being no further business, C. Wagoner moved and D. Novey seconded to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,



Vivian Martin Covington, CEP Chair

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