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MS Environmental Health student conducts study on heat stress and UV exposures among groundskeepers

This summer, MS Environmental Health (EH) student, Nicole Beck, continues her research project for her thesis on the assessment of ECU groundskeepers’ exposure to heat stress, ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and other occupational hazards.  Her research is funded by a NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) pilot grant through the Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety.  Dr. Jo Anne Balanay serves as the lead principal investigator and Nicole’s thesis adviser.  Nicole plans to complete her data collection by the end of June, and complete and defend her thesis during the upcoming fall semester 2016.  The findings of her study will be useful in reducing the exposure of university groundskeepers to heat stress and UVR, and consequently in minimizing occupational health related risks.

Check out the video on Nicole’s research experience on heat stress and UVR monitoring.

YouTube Video: ECU MS Environmental Health student conducting research on heat stress among groundskeepers

MS Environmental Health student, Nicole Beck, conducting heat stress and ultraviolet radiation monitoring to assess exposure of groundskeepers