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World Environmental Health Day 2016 at ECU

World Environmental Health Day (WEHD) was celebrated for the first time on September 26, 2016 by the EHS Program at East Carolina University, along with the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) and the rest of the world.  Posters on various topics on environmental health, prepared both by faculty and students from the EHS and Public Health Studies (PHS) programs, were displayed for the whole day at the 1st floor corridors of Carol Belk Building. Slideshows were also made available for viewing for the entire day at the Belk Building lobby monitor. This event aims to promote and increase the awareness on the field of environmental health among ECU students, faculty and staff.  These activities are also published on the IFEH WEHD Webpage.


World Environmental Health Day and Selfie posters at the lobby entrance of Carol Belk Building, September 26, 2016


Several environmental health posters displayed at the first floor lobby of Carol Belk Building, September 26, 2016


ECU AIHA student section members putting up posters for display at the first floor lobby of Carol Belk building, September 26, 2016


Environmental Health slideshow displayed at the lobby monitor at Carol Belk Building, September 26, 2016