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MS Environmental Health Alumnus Commissioned into the US Public Health Service

MS Environmental Health alumnus, Lt. Adam Mannarino, was commissioned this month into the US Public Health Service (USPHS).  His Pinning Ceremony was held on November 11, 2016, and his Graduation Ceremony for the USPHS Officer Basic Course (OBC) was held today, November 18, 2016, at the Bolger Federal Conference Center in Potomac, Maryland. Lt. Mannarino earned his dual masters degree in Environmental Heath (MSEH) and Pubic Health (MPH) in 2015.

Adam Mannarino (MSEH 2014) during the Pinning Ceremony of the US Public Health Service, Potomac, Maryland, November, 11, 2016
Lt. Adam Mannarino (3rd from the left), MSEH 2015, at the Pinning Ceremony during the US Public Health Service Commissioning, Potomac, Maryland, November, 11, 2016
Lt. Adam Mannarino, MSEH 2015, at the OBC Graduation Ceremony during the US Public Health Service Commissioning, Potomac, Maryland, November, 18, 2016