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Dr. Richards Receives a Western Carolina University Grant for Mosquito Research

Dr. Stephanie Richards received a research grant this week through Western Carolina University for $64,719.  The funds are originally from the NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The project is titled “Mosquito Survey and Insecticide Resistance in North Carolina”, which aims to assess insecticide resistance in 8 NC populations (representing all 3 NC regions) of Aedes albopictus.  She and her co-investigators will be testing both technical grade active ingredients and some associated formulated products.  They are also doing a bionomic assessment of Aedes albopictus, which involves looking at temporal host-seeking activity patterns (what times of day/night are they looking for blood meals) using rotator traps. The study also includes an ovitrap “pulse” (50 ovitraps set for a one week period for each location) that will take place in 6 counties (2 per region – mountain, piedmont, coastal) to look for Aedes aegypti and document the occurrence of other container ovipositing mosquitoes.