ECU Environmental Health alumni, Heidi Knecht (MSEH 2018) and Kellyn Reese (BSEH 2018), attended and presented their research projects this week from June 25-28, 2018 at the NEHA Annual Educational Conference (AEC) at Anaheim, CA. Both of them were also awarded as 2018 Association of Environmental Health Academic Programs (AEHAP) Student Research Competition winners. Great job for representing our EH Program very well! Congratulations, Heidi and Kellyn!
Photos courtesy of Heidi Knecht
Heidi Knecht (1st from left) and Kellyn Reese (3rd from left), with the Executive Director and CEO of NEHA, David Dyjack (middle). June 27, 2018, Anaheim, CA.Kellyn Reese and Heidi Knecht during the awarding as 2018 Association of Environmental Health Academic Programs (AEHAP) Student Research Competition winners. June 27, 2018, Anaheim, CA.Heidi Knecht presents her research poster during the 2018 NEHA Annual Educational Conference. June 25, 2018, Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA.Kellyn Reese presents her Senior Honors Project at the 2018 NEHA Annual Educational Conference. June 27, 2018, Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA.