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Dr. Iverson Receives UNC Research Grant Award

Dr. Guy Iverson’s project titled “Building Team Science to Support Sustainable Animal Agriculture in North Carolina” was selected this week for funding by the UNC System Inter-Institutional Planning Grant (IPG) Program. Dr. Iverson’s team, consisted of faculty from ECU and NC State University (NCSU), will be awarded a total grant funding of $55,812 to facilitate a pilot study and education and outreach efforts regarding sustainable animal agriculture. Dr. Iverson serves as the Principal Investigator (PI) on the project along with Dr. Stephen Moysey as Co-PI. The goals of the project are to: 1) initiate and grow an interdisciplinary team of UNC-system scientists and educators including ECU’s Dr. Guy Iverson (HEP), Dr. Stephen Moysey (Geological Sciences; Water Resources Center), Dr. Charles Humphrey (HEP), Dr. Sinan Sousan (Public Health & NC Agromedicine), Dr. Michael O’Driscoll (Coastal Studies; Water Resources Center), Dr. Ariane Peralta (Biology), Dr. Steven Wolf (Physics; STEM Collaborative for Research in Education), and Dr. Samantha Mosier (Political Sciences) and NCSU’s Dr. Christopher Osburn and Dr. Jay Levine; and 2) execute a pilot study that will quantify air and water quality benefits from alternative agricultural practices.

Photo source: Google Earth