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Ask Miss Liza: Super Bowl Party!!!

Dear Miss Liza,

My team is going to the Super Bowl!!! Yeah baby… Let’s go!!!  I’m hosting the Super Bowl Party in my apartment and you’re invited! Hot wings, meatballs, chips and dip, along with burgers, hot dogs… and fruit salad for my health conscious roommate! Do you have any tips for me and THE TEAM!


Ask Miss LizaDear Taylor,

I thought you were a Carolina Panthers fan… bandwagon jumper! Well, I am a Panthers fan and will not be coming to your little Super Bowl Party. In fact, I hope your team loses… that’s right! Can you see me dabbing?  I do have advice for handling food at the party. Did you know that second only to Thanksgiving, Super Bowl Sunday represents the highest day of food consumption in the United States?  Me and my friends at the USDA offer four basic food safety messages. 

  1. Washing your hands! Always wash hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds before and after handling food.
  2. Separate – Keep raw meat and poultry separate from cooked foods.
  3. Cook – Use a food thermometer. Cooked to a temperature high enough to kill harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7. Do not leave foods sitting out for more than four hours.
  4. Chill – Keep cold foods cold and refrigerate leftovers promptly. If food has been sitting out for more than four hours, do not eat it.

Touchdown!!! Bye!

Miss Liza