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Dr. Richards Receives Hamilton Stevens Award

Dr. Stephanie Richards received the Hamilton Stevens Award this week during the first ever virtual 2-day conference of the NC Mosquito and Vector Control Association (NCMVCA). Hamilton W. Stevens was a past president of the Association and a tireless advocate for mosquito control and public health. This award honors those individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the organization, its mission and objectives, following the high standards set by Dr. Stevens.

Dr. Richards has provided over a decade of service to the NCMVCA and has served as an officer for the organization since 2013 when she began in the role of Secretary/Treasurer. She has also served as Vice President in 2017 and President in 2018. Two years ago, the Association split the roles of Secretary and Treasurer and Stephanie continues to serve as the Treasure. Dr. Richards truly deserved this honor for her dedication and service to the NCMVCA. Congratulations!