The heat stress web application titled “Temper”, invented by Dr. Jo Anne Balanay and co-author Dr. Sinan Sousan (ECU invention ID IP2402 and technology ID TT2402), was awarded a Copyright Claim – Certificate of Registration (Registration Number TX 9-376-326) by the U.S. Copyright Office on April 2, 2024. This web app prototype is a promising tool in assessing heat stress among outdoor workers by automatically calculating the wet-bulb-globe temperature (WBGT) index using weather data and by providing corresponding heat stress risk levels. This is the same app that was licensed to the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) to pursue a mobile app development project titled “Development of a WBGT-based Heat Stress Assessment Mobile Application” in partnership with East Carolina University (ECU) and Dualboot Partners. The web app is an ECU-owned intellectual property that was developed by Drs. Balanay and Sousan, with the support of the ECU Office of Licensing and Commercialization, as a product of their NSF-funded Innovation Corps (i-CorpsTM) App Development Training in Fall 2020.