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May 26 is Don’t Fry Day

Today is Don’t Fry Day. The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention has designated the Friday before Memorial Day as “Don’t Fry Day” to encourage sun safety awareness and to remind everyone to protect their skin while enjoying the outdoors. The ultimate goal is to reduce the rising rates of skin cancer from overexposure to the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States and 90% of skin cancers are preventable. Take small steps to protect your skin and prevent skin cancer: apply sunscreen, wear protective clothing, stay out of the sun during peak hours, and seek shade when you are outside. 

The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention has been a trusted resource for skin cancer prevention community in the United States since 1998, and stands as a united voice to prevent skin cancer through education, advocacy and raising awareness. The National Council encourages you to practice one, two or many of these small steps while outside to protect your skin from the sun’s rays. Stay safe out there!