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Dr. Balanay Featured on Daily Reflector for AIHA Heat Stress App

Dr. Jo Anne Balanay was featured today in the local newspaper, Daily Reflector, about her team’s involvement in the development of the newly released American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Heat Stress app. The article covered about East Carolina University being acknowledged in the settings of the AIHA app that uses weather data to calculate the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) as the environmental heat metric to assess heat stress among outdoor workers. Dr. Jo Anne Balanay and her teammate, Dr. Sinan Sousan (Assistant Professor, ECU Department of Public Health), joined by Dr. Carlyle Rogers (ECU Director of Licensing and Commercialization), were acknowledged to having been instrumental in the app development in collaboration with AIHA and software development company Dualboot Partners.

Read the full Daily Reflector article: ECU Notes: ECU researchers guide heat stress app development