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Ask Miss Liza: Back to School Safety

Dear Miss Liza,

We’re going back to school next week, so I’m packing clothes, supplies, laptop and all the essentials. I expect to make it a great school year! I’ll be a freshman and will make lots of friends! I’ll get all my professors to like me! I’ll get all A’s in class. I’ll attend all the parties! I’ll meet a pretty girl and get a well-paying job! Do you have any advice that can help me? I also plan to make the Dean’s list, become a part of a fraternity and be the captain of the Soccer team. I’m so excited!!!


Ask Miss LizaDear Marcus,

Slow down, cowboy… let’s start with getting your classes scheduled, visit the classroom ahead of time, review the syllabus, get your textbooks and meet your new roommate. The best advice I can give you is… GO TO CLASS… PARTICIPATE IN CLASS and STUDY!!!  Remember why you’re in college! Oh, and one last piece of advice… WASH YO’ HANDS, MAN!

Miss Liza

P.S. I like your attitude… Go get ’em!