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MS Environmental Health Student Assists in Post-Hurricane Mosquito Surveillance

The ECU Environmental Health Sciences Program was asked by the state medical entomologist (Division of Public Health, NC Department of Health and Human Services [DHHS]) to assist Columbus County with post-hurricane mosquito surveillance in support of their application for FEMA reimbursement for emergency mosquito control measures (i.e., possible aerial spray). They are currently getting mosquito landing counts of >50 mosquitoes/minute.

MS Environmental Health student, Justin Bunn, traveled yesterday (October 27) to monitored areas to assist local EH personnel in setting eight ECU mosquito traps in flood zones. This morning, Justin transported the trap contents to Brunswick County where personnel assisted him with sorting and identifying the traps. Avian White (ECU EH Lab Personnel) traveled to Brunswick County today to assist in sorting the traps and mosquito pooling for arbovirus testing.  This work is funded by the NC DHHS.

MS Environmental Health student, Justin Bunn, sorting and identifying field-collected mosquitoes from Columbus County, October 28, 2016
Justin Bunn and Avian White processing field-collected mosquitoes from Columbus County, October 28, 2016
Pile of field-collected mosquitoes to be sorted and identified at the Brunswick County facility, October 28, 2016
Field-collected mosquitoes in a CDC light trap net (left) and a pile of field-collected mosquitoes for sorting and identification (right)