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Ask Miss Liza: Thanksgiving and Turkey Stuffing

Dear Miss Liza,

Thanksgiving Day is this week and I am so excited! Excited to see the family and eat some good-ole-down-home cooking! I was asked to make the “stuffing” for the Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandmas’ house. I’ll make it at my apartment and take it home on Thursday.  My cousin Pam made it last year. I don’t know why they asked me to make it this year. Any advice?


Ask Miss LizaDear Brandy,


I got some advice for your cousin Pam. DON’T BRING NUTHING FOR THANKSGIVING… Matter of fact, tell her not to come!!!  I heard that the “stuffing” she made last year knocked the “stuffings” out of everyone who ate it. (Remember ‘fecal/oral’ from your public health classes?) So you tell Pam, the only thing she needs to bring is paper towels… in the plastic… with the receipt! So here are a few tips for you:

  • Cook food to the proper temperature.
  • Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.
  • Wash yo’ hands man!
  • Keep your “stuffing” hot or cold on the way to Grandma’s house. You can reheat it quickly once you arrive!

So enjoy your Thanksgiving! There’s a lot to be thankful for… and tell Pam, I still love her! Bye!

Miss Liza


Photo Source: Huffpost