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MS Environmental Health Student Receives 2021 APHA Scholarship

MS Environmental Health graduate student, Melissa Nolan, is a recipient of the 2021 American Public Health Association (APHA) Environment Section Scholarship. The $500-scholarship was awarded for expenses towards attendance in the upcoming North Carolina Public Health Association (NCPHA) Annual Meeting next year in person in Asheville, NC. Melissa recently attended the virtual NCPHA Annual Meeting, which she found insightful on the holistic issues that surrounds public health in North Carolina, especially during a pandemic and when so many health professionals are in need.  

“Being a recipient of the APHA scholarship enables me to connect with professionals in the field of Public Health that I otherwise would not get the opportunity to gain knowledge from while in school”, Melissa shared. “Having the opportunity to attend seminars and hear about emerging issues in Public Health also gives context on potential career options in my future.”

APHA is a national public health organization that aims to improve the health of the public and achieve equity in health status. Congratulations, Melissa!