Iverson G, Humphrey CP, O’Driscoll M, Sanderford C, Bean E, Underwood WJ, Pradhan S and Etheridge JR (2024). Quantifying Nitrogen Treatment by an In-stream Bioreactor in a Watershed Served by Septic Systems. Environmental Processes…
This category contains information on research publications by the EHS Program faculty.
White A, Iverson G, Wright L, Fallon JT, Briley KP, Yin C, Huang W and Humphrey C (2024). Wastewater based epidemiology as a surveillance tool during the current COVID-19 pandemic on a college campus…
Ubah CS, Pokhrel LR, Williams JE, Akula SM, Richards SL, Kearney GD and Williams A (2024). Antibacterial efficacy, mode of action, and safety of a novel nano-antibiotic against antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli strains. Science of…
Humphrey CP, Iverson G, Hvastkovs E and Pradhan S (2024). Occurrence and concentrations of traditional and emerging contaminants in onsite wastewater systems and water supply wells in eastern North Carolina, USA. Journal of Water…
Knecht H*, Balanay JG, Langley R, Tutor-Marcom R and Richards SL (2024). Retrospective Risk Assessment of Injuries and Fatalities in the Forestry and Logging Workforce in the United States, 2003-2019. Journal of Agromedicine, doi:10.1080/1059924X.2024.2325708…
East Carolina University professors Dr. Stephanie Richards (Dept. of Health Education and Promotion, Environmental Health Program) and Dr. Sinan Sousan (Dept. of Public Health; Agromedicine Institute) had a paper titled "Development of Novel Compact…
Knecht H*, Balanay JG, Langley R, Tutor-Marcom R and Richards SL (2023). Systematic Review of Biological, Chemical, Ergonomic, Physical, and Psychosocial Hazards Impacting Occupational Health of United States Forestry Workers. Journal of Forestry, doi:10.1093/jofore/fvad052…
Owusu N*, Sousan S, Richards SL and Balanay JG (2023). Occupational Exposure to Solar Utraviolet Radiation in an Eastern North Carolina University Outdoor Setting during the Four Seasons. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene,…
Fields M*, Balanay JG, Byrd BD, Kearney GD and Richards SL (2023). Retrospective Assessment of Preparedness for Mosquito Control Post-Hurricane Florence in North Carolina. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 17(e511): 1-5. doi:10.1017/dmp.2023.168. Abstract…
Warner S*, Pokhrel LR, Akula SM, Ubah CS, Richards SL, Jensen H and Kearney GD (2024). A Scoping Review on the Effects of Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) on Global Honey Bee Decline. Science of the Total…