Despite rapid growth and increasing prosperity, India Continues to Let Girls Die

In a news story out today, the sex ratio of girls to boys under age 8 has worsened dramatically over the past decade. Ten years ago, there wree 927 females alive at age 8 for every 1000 boys alive. According to India’s most recent census it is now 914 females for every 1000 males alive at age 8. The article cites the availability of ultrasound for sex selective abortions and increasing rates of neglect and malnutrition in young girls being reported from urban hospitals. Families continue to want sons to continue the family line and provide for parents while viewing daughters as liabilities. The article also discusses organizatons inside India working for change. This article adds to the op-ed posted by Jessica Wagoner on the complex factors involved in this issue that is still a crucial problem in many parts of the world.