Women’s Commission in Pakistan Gains Autonomous Status

Women’s groups within Pakistan have lobbied for years for the government to strengthen the Women’s Commission and give it autonomous status.

On 2 February 2012, the Pakistan Senate unanimously approved the “National Commission on the Status of Women Bill 2012″ to protect women’s rights against every kind of discrimination. The new bill replaces the National Commission on the Status of Women Ordinance from 2000 and strengthens the Commission by giving it financial and administrative autonomy through an independent Secretariat.

The Commission will investigate and gather information on issues regarding women’s rights, as well as have increased responsibilities to oversee the international commitments made by the government on all women’s issues. The newly adopted bill also changes the status of the Commission’s Chairperson who will now have the seniority of a State Minister, making recommendations directly to the national cabinet. The Comission will also have enhanced membership with two members from each Province and one member each from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK), Gilgit Baltistan, Islamabad and two members from minorities.

     The UN Commission on Women is hopeful that this restructuring will help promote women’s rights within Pakistan, but as always, its success will depend in large part on how the bill is implemented and if adequate funding is provided.