Gender-based violence: Three dead bodies, zero safe space

-29 year old, killed by her boyfriend.
-29 year old, killed by her boyfriend.

This article talks about the death of three women ages 17, 23, and 29. They died due to gender-based violence. 23 year old Jyoti was murdered on a public bus, 17 year old Anene was raped and disemboweled in a “dorp”, and 29 year old Reeva was killed by her boyfriend.  The point of this article is that although gender-based violence is not a new occurrence, it has come to the forefront of the world’s attention and conversation due to these events.

As the South African President addressed these killings, he also reinforced gender roles. He addressed the female population as victims, while pointing out the males as the predators. This type of mentality helps to reinforce the patriarchal society that leaves women as powerless objects that are able to be controlled, abused, and in these cases killed.

It calls to our attention that culture has a way of shaping the mentality of children. By people being able to freely degrade or comment on the bodies of women, it claims that children are taught that as females, the body is not to be valued and that males have sexual and physical control over it. It ends on a high note that gives hope! I enjoyed reading this article and would love to hear your thoughts!

-Latoya Alston

Gender-based violence: Three dead bodies, zero safe space