Trust awards NGO R2-million grant to combat gender-based violence

"Herby Rosenberg, executive deputy chairman at Afrika Tikkun; Robyn Farrell, managing director of 1st for Women Insurance; Zelda la Grange, patron of the 1st for Women Insurance Trust and Sipho Phanuel Mamize, general manager of Afrika Tikkun Diepsloot."
“Herby Rosenberg, executive deputy chairman at Afrika Tikkun; Robyn Farrell, managing director of 1st for Women Insurance; Zelda la Grange, patron of the 1st for Women Insurance Trust and Sipho Phanuel Mamize, general manager of Afrika Tikkun Diepsloot.”

Trust awards NGO R2-million grant to combat gender-based violence

This article was of particular interest to me because I read a lot of articles that deal with gender based violence. Most of the articles expose the problem by giving statistics, recent crimes, or showing how the problem is not being fixed. This article, however, shows that there are people and organizations that are working diligently to solve the problem of gender based violence.

In Diepsloot, which is in the northern part of Johannesburg, South Africa, Afrika Tikkun was donated two million dollars towards their efforts to fight against violence. In their program they not only increase awareness, but they help to provide alternatives for people. Their goal is to empower and inform the people that reach out for help so that they can successfully create a new life.

One of the quotes that stood out for me in reading this article goes as follows: “Though there is a lot of ground to be covered, reports of just one women or child saved from abuse is a triumph! (retrieved 2/26/13 from” As I come across articles like this it brings a sense of hope and encouragement that gender based violence can be overcame! I hope that this article is as inspirational for you as it was for me!

-Latoya Alston