“Ask Her When She’s Sober”

One of my favorite unorthodox websites to visit when I have a few moments to spare time is “cracked”. Now, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the website, go take a look and I guarantee you will be hooked.

“5 Shockingly Outdated Problems Women in the Military Face”, posted earlier this year, highlighted the many ways that the military has remained true to their sexist roots. #1 on the list was the military’s attempts to deal with sexual assault. Here is an excerpt:
Unless you don’t pay any attention to the news and, we guess, skipped the previous entries, you probably already know that the military has a problem with sexual assault. “There were 500 women on a 5,000 man ship,” Noble says, describing one of her later opportunities for sea duty. “Two weeks into our six-and-a-half-month cruise we had our first sexual assault. I had to carry flashlights around because I didn’t want to be in the dark on the deck. I joked that when I came off the smoke deck I should be dusted for prints.”

But as nightmarish as that sounds (imagine going to work every day knowing that one of your co-workers might attack you, and also they’re all armed) what you may not know is that the military’s attempts to deal with it are some of their biggest displays of incompetence since that time they accidentally dropped two nuclear bombs on North Carolina. First, there’s the infamous “Ask Her When She’s Sober” campaign, which is nice advice, but implies that all the perpetrators need is a poster reminding them of proper sexual etiquette. But then the campaigns turned their attention to the real source of the problem: the victims.

Read more of the article here: http://www.cracked.com/article_20701_5-shockingly-outdated-problems-women-in-military-face_p2.html#ixzz2yW0odg2n”

What are your thoughts?   Cushundra Williams