In Tokyo, a Crackdown on Sexual Images of Minors

In Japan, illustrated books containing erotic content and featuring young girls is worth $5.5 billion of the manga book industry. While some publishers argue that it would be a restriction of creativity, Tokyo’s governor is spearheading an ordinance to place tighter restrictions on how girls are depicted, as many of the recent works would be considered in other countries to be child pornography.

The spokesman for the Japanese Committee for Unicef expressed concern that the trend of depicting underage girls in the nude and/or in provacative situations is affecting social norms:“To a degree, it has become socially accepted to lust over young girls in Japan…Condoning these works has meant more people have access to them and develop an interest in young girls.”

Supporters of the industry have argued back thus: “Depicting a crime and committing one are two different things; it’s like convicting a mystery writer for murder.”

What do you think? If the depictions of underage girls as young as six in sexual situations has the potential to encourage legitimate crimes like pedophilia, would this argument be enough for you to reverse the ordinance if you were in the position to make such a decision?
