Mattress Protest at Columbia University Continues Into Graduation

Columbia University student, Emma  Sulkowicz has been carrying her dorm room mattress around for months in protest to how the University handled her sexual assault case.  This protest was part of her art thesis project and one of her rules for the project was that she would carry the mattress anytime she was on campus till her accused rapist was no longer a student at the school.  Paul Nassunger, her accused rapist was cleared to stay on campus by university officials after it was decided that their encounter was consensual.  Emma has made national headlines and has raised awareness about sexual assault on college campuses and was even invited to attend the State of the Union Address with Senator Kristin E. Gillibrand .  This past Tuesday she graduated and crossed the stage with her mattress in hand even after being told by universities officials to leave it behind before walking.  President of the University, Lee C. Bollinger turned his head and refused to shake Emma’s hand when she crossed the stage.  An email was even sent out to students stating not to bring large objects to the ceremony.  My question is what will it take for universities to support victims of sexual assault and not shun them in fear or reputation?