Women in photos won’t press charges in Penn state frat case

Women in photos won’t press charges in Penn state frat case

This story is similar to a previous post about women reporting sexual violence. I think its very relevant especially given the recent stories in the News. In this case a Facebook page (of a now suspended fraternity) was discovered to contain nude photos of women who were undressed and either unconscious or asleep, in addition to “hazing accusations and other questionable conduct”. The women in the photos have refused to come forward and without their statements those responsible cannot be prosecuted. It’s a hard concept for many to process and reading the comments after the article just reaffirms that fact. Many automatically jump to the conclusion that, “it just didn’t happen”. Or the women participated willingly.

So with that being said my question is, does it matter that women (and others) NOT come forward to report these crimes committed against them? Do you think its hurts the anti-domestic violence movement and how can this be rectified?