Shocked by the Statistics

30 Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics That Remind Us It’s An Epidemic

This article has listed out a lot of different facts about domestic violence with many different groups of people involved. The statistics listed include different races, ages, and sexual orientations. I found this article to have many very surprising facts in it including that “70% of women worldwide will experience physical and/or sexual abuse by an intimate partner during their lifetimes.” This statistic alone is worth sharing this article. Domestic and intimate relationship violence is a huge deal. This article sheds light on some of the things that make it such a big deal.

This article was very interesting to me as I found myself fitting into some of the statistics listed. I was one of those children who experienced domestic violence, and I know exactly how it can affect a child’s life. These facts are very disturbing to me, what do you think about them?

Taylor Lowman