Ray Rice Domestic Violence Charges Dismissed

Ray Rice

This article discusses the well known case of former NFL Running Back, Ray Rice. Ray was given the option to complete a pretrial intervention program instead of doing hard time for  his actions against his now wife. For those of you who haven’t heard of this story last year Ray Rice was filmed slapping and ultimately knocking his wife out while on a elevator. This video was not originally released and when it was Ray Rice became indefinitely suspended for his actions by the NFL.The video was everywhere and there was a lot of public outcry because his victim seemed to be standing by him through this. This seemed to be one of the first domestic violence that was in the public eye bringing more news coverage to this awful action.

In this article many people feel as if Ray Rice got off with “a slap on the wrist” so they say. How do we feel about this scenario? Do we think that first time offenders should be given more time than they usually are if convicted?