Trans Feminism; There’s No Conundrum About It

This article is related to our recent discussions and lessons about intersectionality, trans gender violence, and misogynist views, but most importantly about how trans feminism is a debatable submovemet within feminism.  I found this article to be enlightening while providing different approaches and thoughts on the “third wave” feminist movement and how trans people are included and their perspective on feminism. Marginalization, patriarchy, and many forms of oppression are all present in society, limiting the overthrow of gender-based violence. One thing that really stood out to me was the term “gender binary”, or nonconsensually being assigned a particular sex at birth. Trans people use this term to describe the myriad forms of sexism in society.  Those who don’t uphold all the expectations that come along with their particular sex  are marginalized by society. “Cissexism” was another term that caught my attention, meaning that trans people’s identities and expressions are less legitimate than those of cis people. The article concludes with this quote; “When trans feminism is reduced to a debate about whether trans women “count” as women or as feminists, it’s a disservice not only to us but to feminism as a whole.” Strong ending with a valid argument.

Why would Trans feminists not be included in the third wave feminism? Do you believe that trans feminists are challenging societal sexism and other forms of marginalization?