WNBA Stars in Domestic Violence Dispute


Domestic violence is a subject that has been very hot lately in the athletic community.  Two weeks ago I  posted an article about an NFL player who was arrested because of domestic violence.  However this week the big domestic violence scandal is between two WNBA players.  I thought this would be an interesting take on things considering that we have been focusing on the LGBT community lately.  This story was a bit different than the stories we’re used to about domestic violence though, instead of there being a victim both of the women associated with the incident were arrested.  This was interesting to me because in most cases of violence we see the man being arrested for his actions, but in this case with two women both were arrested.  This made me wonder if this is always the case in domestic violence acts with couples of the same sex?  If it’s easier to say that both parties are to blame because it’s harder to determine who was the actual victim and who was the perpetrator.  Another interesting aspect of the article I found was that the girls were only suspended for 7 games from the WNBA.  In other cases of domestic violence the individual has been publicly shamed, dropped from their endorsements, and banned from their sport.  I feel like the entire situation with Griner and Johnson was a way of saying that domestic violence that occurs between two women is not to be taken as seriously as the violence that happens between a man and a woman.  This is an upsetting realization after spending so much time reviewing the aspects of domestic violence within the LGBT community last week.