Female Genital Mutilation

The day I saw 248 girls suffering genital mutilation

This article was a very shocking and interesting read. This is the story of a woman’s, Abigail Haworth, experience of a “mass ceremony” to perform “female circumcision”. Her story is one that not many people could tell. She was there to witness 248 girls undergo female genital mutilation. She explains that this is something that all the women think is normal, and is done very often. Her article tells her story of what she saw, explains some of the laws that have been passed and changed, and explains what needs to happen to solve the problem.

Her story was very heartbreaking to read, but I couldn’t stop because it was so interesting. Before this class I had no knowledge about exactly what FGM was. I knew it was something that happened, but not any of the specifics. This article has opened my eyes to how horrible this is. Haworth writes about how they give money and food as a reward for every girl the mother brings to be cut. This was very shocking to me. When I read this I thought that this was an incentive for them to come, which she hit on later in the article. As you will learn while reading, a law was made to ban FGM, but no one enforced it. What do you think will make the ban actually happen?

Taylor Lowman