Creative Project

For my creative project I chose to make a comic strip. The strip is not meant to be funny despite the title of “comic strip.” The conversation in the strip is not is not advanced but it gets the point across. I decided to use this form of creativity because I was able to express what my idea of an argument in an abusive relationship is about. I used a lesbian couple in my cartoon just to give it a little originality. As we’ve been learning throughout this class, domestic violence is not limited to heterosexual couples so I wanted to incorporate a non-traditional element. When you’re reading the comic you will notice that the fight between the couple was brought on by a very small ordeal that happened earlier in the night. I decided to blow up such a small problem and turn it into abuse because that’s what abusers do. They find something that is so small and innocent and turn it into a big deal, and make the victims feel bad for their actions. If you have any questions feel free to ask, however I think the cartoon is pretty self explanatory. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed making it!