Telling The Stories Of The Victims Of ‘Honor Killings’

The article starts off with the recent tragedy of Farzana Parveen, a 25 year old and three months pregnant female who was stoned to death by her family for marrying against her family’s wishes. However, cases such as Parveen’s, especially those run in patriarchal societies, are common. Yet, they often get lost in local district news, and the rest of society remains in ignorance towards what is taking place. Honor killings can also be seen as a form of domestic violence, due to their root relating to “a desire to control the behavior of women and girls within a community.”

Rafia Asim, tracks figures on honor killings for the Human Rights Commission, has worked to create a platform of awareness to the startling figures of honor killings that are taking place without our knowledge, referred to as Visualizing Honor Crimes in Pakistan. The project allows for individuals to see where honor killings are most prevalent and what the context of these crimes are. I feel as though this relates to our current focus on how technology can impact the effort to reduce violence towards women. How do you guys feel as though this project will impact the honor killings taking place? Or will there be no long-term impact?