Creative Project




For my project I created this 3-D canvas collage, to best represent what I’ve learned throughout the class session as well as ways I can relate  what I’ve learned through real life events.  The first layer presents words and phrases that relate to several topics we discussed in class and talked about in our readings; for example, Title IV, active bystanders, shame, protests, and so many more. I also included words that represents all those affected by hate crime, domestic abuse, and any kind of abuse; women, men, teens, wife, husband, deputies. The second layer are the big photos which represent the support systems and role models that help victims and those affected to feel accepted. For example; Laverne Cox is a well respected role model for the Transgender society, along with the LGBT resource office, protest groups, and even those who are not afraid to show who they really are by public display of affection, are all supporters. The third layer may be a bit graphic for some taste, but how can you tell the truth about hate crime and domestic violence if you don’t include the harsh, scary reality. Many victims who are abused, harassed, and discriminated think about suicide or ways in which they think will hope them to get by. If you start at the heart with the broken glass around it, it represents those feelings and emotions victims may feel, “broken” or “shattered”. With the lightbulb, it represents the ongoing thoughts and ideas that never seem to go out. The deathly bottle caps represents the drugs that ultimately will kill you physically if you are not in control. The noose, razor, and gun, are an alternative for many victims because they feel that they have no one else to turn to, they’re thoughts are never ending, and if they can’t find the help in time, they choose that alternative. Domestic violence and hate crime are ever present in society, but there are many campaigns and opportunities available for coping and safety. It is never something to take lightly for people’s lives could be at stake.