Creative Project

For my Creative Project I decided to write a small Haiku about the struggle women feel when dealing with Domestic Violence. When I was younger I was in a relationship that involved a lot of emotional abuse, and though it never got seriously violent I feel as if I know what it feels like to be put down so far you cannot get up.

When Will it Stop

Hit, Beaten, Bruised

Abuse like no other

When will it stop

This small Haiku, I feel as if holds a lot of emotion from within. Many people who suffer from domestic Violence can attest to the feeling of never knowing when or how it will stop. When you are suffering from someone emotional or physically abusing you, you can suffer from not knowing when it can happen again or how bad it will be this time. When I was in the relationship I was in I constantly lived in fear that this would be the day that he escalated too far. I struggled with putting into words what it meant to be abused by someone. When I came to college I found a sense of ease knowing that I could finally make it stop and that I was powerful enough to do so. I removed myself from the situation and that is something that many women or men cannot do. I feel as if I learned in this course that many women struggle with leaving their abuser because they are scared of what he may do or what may come of them leaving. I know the feeling of thinking you love someone so much and not understanding how someone you love so much could do this to you. Truly not knowing when it will stop and how you will make this abuse stop. Many people feel as if they are alone in this situation because of not being able to share with family and friends. You feel as if you are the only one experiencing this type of abuse and no one else could possibly understand what you are going through. I am here to tell those that have or are suffering with being abused you can get out of this situation. It can get better and it can stop no matter how hopeless you feel. Though you feel alone right now you have to stay strong and find the right help in the safest way possible. Do not be afraid to come forward and get help for yourself.