Jimmy Carter speaks about the mistreatment of women being a human rights issue

Former US President, Jimmy Carter has long been an advocate and proactive in the equal treatment of women around the world. In this recent TED talk, he provides three main reasons for why he believes “the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights issue.”

The reasons he cites are: 1) the misinterpretation of scriptures by men; 2) excessive use of violence; and 3) “men don’t give a damn”

Mr. Carter highlights several global issues that negatively affect girls and women including: genital mutilation (FGM), infibulation, honor killings, human trafficking/slavery, prostitution, sexual assaults in the military, sexual assaults on university campuses in the US, and the gender wage gap.

At the end of this video, he calls for people to be proactive in protecting women and girls, globally.