“Navy Secretary Threw Us Under a Bus” say marines in gender intergrated infantry unit


This article is about females in active duty combat positions and their ability to perform at the same ability level as men soldiers in the same position. High-ranking naval officers conducted a study and have data that suggests women cannot keep up with men n physical performance and become injured twice as often while in active duty. After the Secretary of the Navy criticized the results of the study, naval officers claimed that they were being “thrown under a bus” aka the secretary of the navy’s decision is endangering their lives.
Even though women were allowed into active duty positions a few years ago, there is still a constant pressure for these women to perform exceptionally to avoid criticism from their male peers and superior officers. Women in the military face a multitude of struggles ranging from difficulty advancing in rank to high rates of sexual harassment and rape. Although awareness is being brought to this problem, it seems that women continue to have to prove themselves to the military regardless of if they meet the physical and mental requirements needed.