FGM banned in Nigeria

This is a short, online article celebrating the banning of female circumcision, also often referred to as female genital mutilation.

The bill, The Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act 2015, was signed by Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan and passed by the Nigerian senate May of this year.

This article points out the negative effects of the practice, according to WHO such as “hemorrhage (bleeding), bacterial infection, open sores, and long-term consequences that include infertility, childbirth complications and recurring bladder infections.”

This is good news as the practice of FC is becoming less acceptable among the nations (predominantly Africa, but also in some Middle Eastern regions) where it is practiced; however, this does not indicate all people will automatically cease the practice. Like we discussed in class, some will find other ways to circumvent the law; changing deeply held cultural values, even when they are damaging to people is not a simple task.
