Chinese First Lady addresses UN high-level meeting on women and children

Posted by Jinxiang Li

Last week Chinese president Xi Jinping to visit US.

On Sept. 26, Chinese First Lady Peng Liyuan spoke on a Plenary at UN General Assembly 2015. She talked about how important it is for women and girls to get a good education, children and adolescents is the most important investment in mankind’s future.However, women still account for half of the world’s poor and 60 percent of adults can not read or write. Education is the key to solving these inequalities.

Despite China’s generosity, Xi’s role as co-host provoked stern criticism from those who believe China is backsliding on its once-admirable record of gender rights. Although Chairman Mao proclaimed that “women hold up half the sky,” the traditional preference for sons persists today, evident in China’s skewed gender ratio: 118 boys for every 100 girls. Activists have also demanded the release of feminist protesters arrested in China last spring.

“If people see that Xi has such a beautiful wife, it would make the party seem more humane and less robotic,” Li Yinhe, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told The New York Times in 2012 – a task Peng now approaches on the global stage.

I think in the actual conditions in China, from the top to down to implement the Government’s policy,which is the most obvious ways to implement the efficiency and effectiveness. The speeches will be a great advance of protecting human rights of Chinese women.