7 Truths about Domestic Violence You’ll Never Learn from Watching a TMZ Video

By Zak Cheney-Rice September 09, 2014
Article view by C. White

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) reported that 75% of domestic violence are never documented. Domestic violence against Black women tend to by secretive and the abusers hardly receive legal punishment for their actions. Leaving violent relationships is very dangerous because some abusers go through dangerous lengths to prevent the women from leaving relationships. From this, care should be made when expressing disappointment at abused women who refuse to leave their violent relationships. Still, the University of Minnesota’s Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community (IDVAAC) reported that 70-80% of Black women in these kinds of relationships eventually leave, or at least attempt to leave. IDVAAC also reported that the rate of domestic violence among African Americans is high those who live in poverty, or when the men are unemployed. Significant support for women in these cases come from their close family, friends, and other abused people.