Domestic Violence and Abuse

Domestic Violence and Abuse

Article review and summary by C. White on October 14, 2015

Domestic violence and abuse is not discriminatory because anybody may become afflicted by psychological or physical assaults. So this includes all races, ages, gender, income levels, and ethnicities. Psychological abuse is more likely to be excused or denied than physical assaults. Domestic or spousal abuse, occurs between the afflicted and their romantic partners. Abuse is motivated by the need to control and dominate others from threats, violence, and intimidation. Domestic abuse tends to begin with verbal abuse before the incorporation of violence. Violence is the most dangerous but psychological abuse is the most severe because it leads to low self-worth, loneliness, anxieties, depression, and permanent emotional pain. Fear of violently abusive partner is the most obvious sign, followed by desperation, self-hate, and helplessness. Emotional abuse includes isolation, threats, intimidation, independence reduction, guilt, belittling, name calling, insults, humiliation, and blaming.

I agree that domestic violence is nondiscriminatory. I think the problem should be dealt collectively instead of singling out based upon race, ethnicity, gender, age, and culture. Regardless of those particular factors, domestic violence and abuse is based upon control and domination.