Former Prep School Students Get One Year in Jail for Rape

The story of a senior classmate allegedly raping his freshman classmate two days before his graduation made headlines earlier this year. This incident occurred at the St. Paul Prep School in New Hampshire, whose notably graduates include John Kerry and JP Morgan Jr. This incident was part of a supposed tradition called ‘Senior Salute’ where male seniors try to have sex with as many girls as they can before graduation.

Well, after being convicted of three misdemeanor charges, Owen Labrie was sentenced to one year in jail, five years probation and must register on the sex offender list once he gets out. Although, not much is known about the victim, the article says Owen hoped to study divinity, was accepted to Harvard Divinity School, and submitted many letters from others to provide evidence of his intelligence, respect on campus, and charisma . But, a deputy county attorney, who asked for him to be sent to jail, said that these traits were not uncommon among sex offenders. The victims parents also gave an impact statement that partially read: “My little girl stood up to that entitled man. She stood up to a culture that exists in our society and allows ‘boys to be boys'”.

Thea Cox