Laws Targeting Campus Rape Culture

Miranda Guardiola

The current statistic representing how many undergraduate women that have experienced sexual assault on campus is 1 in 5. This article addresses the new federal legislation that aims to counteract the issue of sexual assault on college campuses. The federal legislation, Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (Campus SaVE) Act, was officially implemented in July 2015 and is the product of years of increased attention and activism to women’s issues and sexual assault. It targets new initiatives to tackle this issue, requiring that all schools to develop and offer “primary prevention and awareness programs” that reduce the risk of sexual assault. This is in contrast to earlier years where legislation only recommended that schools develop educational programs.

In the required programs, education will focus on what’s defined as ‘consent’ and how to look for abusive behavior. this legislation designates minimum standards within the campus judicial proceedings and requires report statistics on number of dating and sexual violence incidences.