White House mulls women in military draft as Pentagon opens combat roles

Thomas Hennessey

Women and Selective Service

According to an article it is currently being considered, whether or not women should be included in selective service registration due to the recent change that allows women to fulfill combat related jobs in the United States Military. The article states that this change would have to come from congress and the White house before it could be put into place.  The main question according to this article is whether or not forcing women to register with selective service would benefit the country in a time of war. Currently all young men are required to register with the selective service within 6 months of their 18th birthday.  In a time such as war where conscription would be required and man had failed to register he could be liable for a $250,000 and some time of jail sentence.

In my opinion the possibility of  fulfilling a combat role does not come with out the compulsory registration with selective service.  Young men are force to register regardless what they have in mind for themselves in the future and the same should be expected of all young people in the United States regardless of their gender.