‘Call me When he tries to kill you’ Kyrgyzstan accused of ignoring domestic violence blog post

November 4th

In 2003 a national protest led Kyrgyzstan to pass a law that focuses on domestic violence, allowing women more rights to report and have legal precedence in these situations. However, even after this law has passed, women are still facing massive forms of discrimination frompolice and the courts. Victim blaming seems to be the number one focus of the police and courts to push domestic problems to the side. One statement has been made public to show how bad the victim blaming has gotten. The story comes from a conversation between an officer and a woman who had just gotten beaten by her husband. “does he have a knife? (no) is he trying to kill you? (no) well call us back when he trys to kill you, right now we have more important things to do”. This is just one of many cases reported that is being swept under the carpet. But what can be done about it?
I personally think that there is only a few ways to get these police and courts more focused on these problems. The main way is to get global forces to pressure this change. Right now domestic violence is still somewhat culturally accepted in thin country, where men have the power in the situation. The only way to change this problem for global influences to pressure this country to adhere to their laws and protect their women.
