Anti-AIDS Vaginal Ring Study

Two studies have recently reported findings indicating that vaginal rings coated with anti-AIDS medication do provide modest protection against acquiring HIV.   The ring is inserted monthly and is safe to use.  It cut infections by less than a third, which leaves room for improvement.  It was more effective in women 25 and over, who were 61% less likely to be infected, which has researchers questioning whether or not younger women, who got very little protection, used the device properly.

Despite the modest results, the researchers are seeking approval for more widespread usage across Africa.  Dr. Zeda Rosenberg is quoted as saying “You can’t just say, ‘Until something is perfect, we’re going to wait.’ We have to give women options.”

The next steps in research include seeing if younger women didn’t know how to use the device properly, a result which has been seen before in younger women not consistently taking anti-AIDS pills until after they had been proven effective.