A Simple Reflection on Women’s Issues

I am attending the Southern Sociological Society conference in Atlanta this week. Dr. Susan Pearce (Sociology dept) and I will be on a panel critiquing the U.S. Constitution as it pertains to Human Rights…. she and I will be focusing specifically on the rights of women in the U.S. (or lack thereof) and the need to explicitly address women’s rights in the Constitution.

Looking through the program for this week’s workshops and seminars, I also noticed many lectures having to do with a variety of Feminist issues and problems pertaining to marginalized women here in the U.S.  I was struck by the juxtaposition of the issues that American women are concerned about vs. the issues that other women around the world face each day.

Of course, inequality issues are important and they definitely need to be addressed in this country. I am so ardently in favor of making changes here in the U.S. that I am speaking about the need for changes at this conference.  Be that as it may, our Anthropology course has also put American women’s issues into perspective for me. All things considered, as a woman, I feel fortunate to have been born here.