The Face Behind the Poster

As Facebook and all news articles were in a frenzy January 20th, 2018, the believed face behind the Rosie the Riveter, Naomi Parker Fraley, died at 96 years old. It is in these moments that we reflect on their life and the events and actions that led to her becoming an inspiration to women everywhere and humankind as a whole. Many people recognize the iconic poster made by J. Howard Miller, but few took a glimpse into how a photograph turned poster became an iconic legend for feminism and feminist movements in the decades to come. Waitress to rivet operator in WW2, Naomi did her part to help support the nearly-never mentioned female workforce that assisted US victory for WW2. It is these unsung heroes that can shed a light on our past as a nation to hopefully help aid our fight for equality, women’s, and human rights nation wide and around the globe. I am curious the thoughts of my classmates on these unsung heroes of history.