Trumpism’s Anti-Feminist Position To Be Final Blow To Republicans

I will honest, the only thing I dislike more, politically speaking, than Republicans are those I like to call “Trumpites”. Their firebrand nationalist tendencies paired, like a two dollar red wine and a burnt burger, with staunch sexism and racism in most cases, is going to be one of the darkest stains on American history in my opinion.

The quotes from the congressional candidate from Missouri read off as nothing short of a misogynists detailing the 1950’s, in which the only role of a women was to cook and bear children. The campaigns of these politicians, in my mind, are reminiscent of  cringing when watching a car accident;simply in how you want to look away but a part of you is relieved its not yourself crashing and burning.

Let me put it this way. Trumpite politicians are making it harder and harder for conservatives who give even an inkling about the women in their lives to consciously vote along their past party lines. That is not even to mention the 50% of the population that this kind of rhetoric is ostracizing in pursuit of the nationalist, sexist and religiously conservative vote. Give all the political minorities in the country and a decent chunk of the majority a common enemy and Boom! the next political revolution is here to destroy the right.

These politicians are the reason 390 women are running for congress and with a little luck the reason the republican party falls from the graces of the American people.

Victoriam in mulieribus, Victoria Omnibus.

Justin Vieira