Can a man hit back?

In 2014, talk show hosts of The View give their thoughts on Ray Rice hitting his fiancee. Many of the hosts believed that Mr. Rice had no right to hit his fiancee even if she had hit him first. One of the hosts made a comment along the lines of, ” A woman should not be hit unless the man’s life is in jeopardy.”  Another host mentioned that there are clear weight and strength difference between Mr. Rice and his fiancee. Whoopi Goldberg was on the side that if you hit someone first you’re probably going to get back. She even states that “If you hit someone, you cannot be sure that you are not going to get hit back.” This way of thinking appears to be unpopular with the other hosts.

The reason why I want to talk about this clip is that it has recently been making its way back into the news feed. My question for everyone is “Can a man hit back?”

My overall response is yes men should have the ability to hit back if a woman is repeatedly hitting them. I do not believe that excessive force needs to be used; there is no reason why anyone should be knocked out. Personally, I am not a fan of violence but I recognize that it happens. If a person makes the choice to start hitting someone, there is a chance they are going to get hit back in self-defense. This should hold true for everyone regardless of gender.