Changes In Hair

I saw this post while scrolling through Facebook and it made me think about the times that I’ve done anything significant to my hair and also how much truth there was to this picture. I started to look at person blog post about females cutting their hairs or doing anything drastic to their hair like changing hair colors. Most of the bloggers seem to have agreed on one thing, it was all about their emotions. Most of them said that they decided to cut their hair due to a traumatic breakup. They view their changes in hairstyles as not only a change of look but also as a change within themselves. It was the start of a new chapter in their lives where in which they were interested in getting to know the stranger they saw when looking in the mirror. I can admit there have been many times where I have changed my hair color or done what some people would consider a drastic haircut because of my emotions. Although for me the emotions did not come from a breakup but rather from a desperate need to find my cultural identity and turning a new leaf.

what are your thoughts on this?